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World-Class Heart Failure Treatment in New Hampshire

If you have minor or advanced congestive heart failure, you can depend on the elite team at Cardiovascular Specialists of New England (CSNE) to provide the support and management you need to live a happy, healthy life. Our heart failure treatment comprises innovative, leading-edge technologies. It is performed by board-certified cardiologists and advanced practice providers who’ve met and exceeded the highest standards in cardiovascular medicine.

Mature Man Playing Tennis

What Is Congestive Heart Failure?

Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a progressive condition where the heart muscle cannot pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs. It is the failure of the heart to work and function correctly. CHF can occur due to problems with the heart’s ability to contract (systolic dysfunction) or to relax and fill (diastolic dysfunction). It can be caused by a wide range of heart conditions, including coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, heart valve disease, diabetes, and congenital heart defects. Though long-term, congestive heart failure can be managed and mitigated with proper treatment.

Advanced Congestive Heart Failure Treatments

Our specialists perform the most innovative treatments for advanced congestive heart failure, including:


An innovative monitoring system designed to help manage patients with heart failure by providing real-time data on heart pressure.


These pump devices stabilizes the heart by improving blood flow and reducing workload.

Infusion Therapies

The administration of heart failure medications directly into the bloodstream through an intravenous (IV) line.

Heart Failure Support Groups and Lifestyle

Heart failure can be difficult to manage yourself if you don’t have the proper support guiding and encouraging you. Cardiovascular Specialists of New England (CSNE) provides support groups to help make lifestyle changes more accessible and suited to your daily routine. Patients and their families connect with others and share tips, tricks, and advice on managing heart disease effectively. Topics covered can include diet and exercise, medications, and the latest heart failure management technologies.

Redefine Your Heart Health With Us Today