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Comprehensive Atrial Fibrillation Program

Atrial fibrillation (“Afib”) is the most common heart rhythm abnormality in the US and worldwide. This irregular heart rhythm commonly causes symptoms of fatigue, palpitations, and shortness of breath, but some patients may not realize when they are in Afib. Afib is a progressive disease that can lead to heart enlargement, scarring, and weakening over time. Patients with atrial fibrillation with certain risk factors are also at a higher risk of stroke, and therefore blood thinners may be indicated.


What Is An “Ablation” For Atrial Fibrillation?

At CSNE, we offer cutting-edge catheter ablation procedures, including pulsed field ablation to treat atrial fibrillation. Afib ablation is a procedure during which a special catheter is positioned inside the heart to target the abnormal electrical signals that cause atrial fibrillation. These procedures are performed in an outpatient setting and patients often go home the same day.

3D illustration. X-ray of the head and human brain in concept of neural connections and electrical pulses.

How Can Patients With Afib Protect Themselves From Stroke?

Atrial fibrillation increases the risk of stroke due to blood clots that form in the left atrial appendage, a small pouch connected to the heart. One way to prevent strokes from AFib is to take blood thinners to prevent clots from forming. However, many patients cannot tolerate blood thinners due to bleeding or are at risk of serious bleeding (such as those with unsteady balance and falls). For these patients, left atrial appendage closure procedures may be an alternative way to protect against stroke and safely discontinue blood thinners.

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