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The Most Comprehensive Cardiac Testing in New Hampshire

Cardiovascular Specialists of New England (CSNE) is a top-tier cardiovascular service provider in New Hampshire. Our state-of-the-art facility offers the most advanced heart imaging techniques, including Cardiac PET-CT Stress Testing. Cardiac PET-CT combines position emission tomography (PET) with computed tomography (CT), allowing superior imaging quality to check for blood flow to the heart. This provides a high degree of accuracy for detecting major blockages.

Non-Invasive Tests

We provide the following non-invasive tests:

Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG)

This test records the heart's electrical activity to detect arrhythmias, heart attacks, and other cardiac abnormalities.

Echocardiography/Stress Echocardiography

This procedure utilizes ultrasound waves to create images of the heart, assessing its structure, function, and blood flow to detect heart and valve conditions.

Cardiac PET-CT Stress Test

This test has high degree of accuracy for detecting major coronary artery blockages, with extremely low radiation exposure. It has the ability to quantify the amount of blood flow reaching your heart muscle.

Holter Monitor/Cardiac Event Monitor

This device is a heart monitor that is worn to detect infrequent arrhythmias or heart rhythm issues.

Senior Man Smiling and On Phone

Which Cardiac Test Is Right for Me?

Your cardiologist or practitioner at Cardiovascular Specialists of New England (CSNE) will review your case in detail and carefully outline a diagnostic testing strategy. The tests we recommend will depend on the complexity  of your cardiovascular condition. After running the appropriate tests, we will develop a treatment plan tailored specially for you.

Redefine Your Heart Health With Us Today