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Premier Vein & Vascular Program in New Hampshire

Cardiovascular Specialists of New England (CSNE) is the leading Vein and Vascular Program in New Hampshire. Our team of vascular cardiologists and practitioners are constantly innovating their skill sets and capabilities to deliver world-class care. From treating varicose veins to peripheral vascular disease, you can rely on us to give you the region’s top vein and vascular care.

Senior Woman Smiling while Reading

What Are the Types of Vein and Vascular Conditions?

Vein and vascular conditions are wide-ranging. They include any condition or disorder affecting the veins, arteries, blood vessels, and capillaries. Some vein and vascular conditions are cosmetic, while others can affect and pose a threat to health. If you know or suspect you are experiencing a vein or vascular condition, we encourage you to seek our medical help and guidance. We diagnose and treat the following conditions:

  • Peripheral vascular disease (PVD)
  • Peripheral arterial disease (PAD)
  • Mesenteric, celiac, and renal artery stenosis
  • May-Thurner syndrome
  • Varicose veins
  • Venous ulcer
  • Venous reflux

How We Diagnose Vein and Vascular Conditions

We use leading-edge technology to assess and diagnose vein and vascular conditions. You can count on our team to comprehensively analyze your condition and make an accurate diagnosis. The testing we use includes the following:

  • Ankle-brachial index (with treadmill exercise included)
  • Aortoiliac duplex (which can include testing for abdominal aortic aneurysm)
  • Arterial duplex for the upper and lower extremities
  • Bypass graft duplex
  • Carotid duplex
  • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
  • Pulse volume recordings (PVRs)
  • Segmental pressures
  • Venous mapping

Critical Limb Ischemia (CLI)

Critical Limb Ischemia (CLI), or chronic limb threatening ischemia, occurs when the circulation in the legs is so compromised that there is a risk for amputation. CLI is a chronic condition that causes extreme pain in the feet or toes, including sores or wounds that do not heal. Our highest priority is Limb Salvage, using a comprehensive approach to improving your vascular system and prevent amputation.

Safe Alternatives to Open-Surgery

At Cardiovascular Specialists of New England (CSNE), we always strive to treat patients with minimally invasive treatments before resorting to surgery. Our procedures remove plaque and buildup from the inner walls of arteries, ensuring a more free flow of blood. Our priority is limb salvage and prevention of amputations.

Redefine Your Heart Health With Us Today